COURSE I (1.1.1)

Childhood and Growing Up 1st Half- Development and its Characteristics The student teachers will be able to : 1. Explain the concept of growth and development and stages of development with special reference to the stage of adolescence. 2. Know about the developmental characteristics 3. Be aware of influence of heredity, environment including socio cultural factors on developmental process 4. Develop the skills of applying the principles of development in improving the teaching learning process. 2nd Half- Aspects of development The student teachers will be able to : 1. Know about various aspects related to development. 2. Acquainted with theories, types and factors of motivation, attention and interest. 3. Understand the nature of intelligence and know various theories related to it. 4. Develop skills for identifying and nurturing creativity.

COURSE II (1.1.2) Contemporary India and Education

1st Half – Education in Post- Independent India The student teachers will be able to : 1. Comprehend the various constitutional provisions 2. Develop the knowledge about the recommendations of various commissions and National Policies of Education. 3. Examine the problems and solutions of elementary and secondary education and find out probable solution. 4. Acquire the skill to eradicate inequality, discrimination and marginalization in education. 5 Develop an idea about National Values.

2nd Half - Policy Framework for Education in India The student Teachers will be able to : 1. Realize the policy framework for Education in India 2. Know the contemporary issues in education 3. Develop the knowledge about various policies on education 4.Examine the role and functions of different monitoring agencies of education 5. Understand community participation and development in education 6. Acquire skill to develop educational planning and management. 


The student teachers will be able to : 1. Recognize nature, function and role of language across the curriculum 2. Acquaint with obstacles in language usage while using the language and ways to overcome them. 3. Understand importance and use of first and second language, multilingualism and impact of culture. 4. Acquire knowledge about the communication process and verbal and nonverbal communication skills. 5. Familiarize the students with of barriers to (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) LSRW skills and activities for developing these skills

COURSE V (1.1.5) Understanding Discipline and Subjects

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Know the basis of knowledge and branches of emerging knowledge. 2. Be aware of the emergence of various disciplines 3. Develop among the teacher trainees an understanding of science as a discipline. 4. Understand nature of Mathematics as a discipline. 5. Develop among the teacher trainees an understanding of language as a discipline. 6. Develop among the teacher trainees an understanding of social science as a discipline.


The student teachers will be able to : 1. Know the meaning, process, importance and characteristics of reading. 2. Appreciate and apply different levels, types, techniques and methods of reading. 3. Acquaint with the skills of reading different types of texts. 4. Develop different types of reading skills through various activities and met cognition 5. Learn the skills of reading comprehension and to enhance vocabulary. 6. Acquaint with the problems of reading across curriculum


COURSE III (1.2.3) Learning and Teaching

1st Half – Learning The student teachers will be able to : 1. Comprehend the range of cognitive capacities among learners. 2. Reflect on their own implicit understanding of the nature and kinds of learning. 3. Gain an understanding of different theoretical perspectives on learning 4. Demonstrate his/her understanding of different skills at different phases of instruction

2nd Half – Teaching The student teachers will be able to : 1. Understand the process of teaching 2. Understand and efficiently used different models of teaching. 3. Engage in teaching with proper approach. 4. Develop skills required for teaching.

COURSE-VII-(A) (1.2.7A) Pedagogy of a School Subject Part-I

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Merit effective and constructive acquaintance with the basic foundations of Language teaching in India and West Bengal 2. Acquire practical expertise in pedagogical analysis and develop behavioural competencies in teaching skills 3. Apply principles abstracted from the study of various methods and approaches as regards purpose and procedure of planning lesson 4. Work out and practice strategies for teaching language skills and communication skills 5. Credit working acquaintance with concepts of language learning assessment 6. Turn in to resourceful user of different kinds of Language Test 7. Become efficient in construction of Test and Test Items 8. Explore and experience various resources for target language learning 9. Try out various means of organizing various resources for target Language Learning.

COURSE-VII-(A) (1.2.7A) Pedagogy of a School Subject Part-I

Pedagogy of Social Science Teaching - History, Geography, Education The student teachers will be able to : 1. Appreciate the significance of teaching Social Science. 2. Be acquainted with the approaches & Methods of Teaching Social Science. 3. Be used to the application of knowledge and skills in Social Science. 4. Be acquainted with various practical aspects of Social Science.

COURSE-VII-(A) (1.2.7A) Pedagogy of a School Subject Part-I Pedagogy of Science - Physical Science, Life Science

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Appreciate the significance of teaching Science. 2. Be acquainted with the Approaches & Methods of Teaching Science. 3. Be used to the application of scientific knowledge and skills. 4. Be acquainted with various practical aspects of science.

COURSE-VII-(A) (1.2.7A) Pedagogy of a School Subject Part-I Pedagogy of Mathematics Teaching – Mathematics

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Understand the nature of mathematics and mathematics education 2. Know the Objectives of teaching mathematics and the principles of the preparation of relevant curriculum and text books. 3. Understand Teaching methodologies in mathematics education. 4. Apply Mathematics education in cross-cultural perspectives. 5. Understand the Assessment and evaluation in the teaching learning of mathematics.

Course-VIII-(A) (1.2.8A) Knowledge and Curriculum- Part-I

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Introduce themselves to perspectives in education focusing on epistemological, philosophical and sociological bases of education. 2. Distinguish between knowledge and skill, teaching and training, knowledge and information and reason and belief. 3. Understand education in relation to constitutional goal, social issues and modern values. 4. Understand the concept, scope and objectives of education. 5. Realize the concepts of curriculum and syllabi. 6. Design curriculum in the context school experiences, evaluation, power, ideology, process and practice & its transactional modes.

Course-IX (1.2.9) Assessment for Learning 1st Half - Assessment of the Learning Process

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Get basic knowledge of assessment for learning. 2. Know the process of evaluation and it uses. 3. Write educational objectives. 4. Know different techniques of evaluation, tools of evaluation and their uses. 5. Know different characteristics of instruments of evaluation. 6. Know different types of teacher made tests and will construct them. 7. Compute simple statistics to assess the learning. 2ndHalf - Assessment of the Learning System The student teachers will be able to : 1. Understand different aspects of the complexities of the learning system. 2. Know various school records designed for specific purposes. 3. Understand the relationship between school and the community. 4. Acquire knowledge about physical, infrastructural and human resources available in the schools. 5. Understand the curricular process in the school. 6. Evaluate the school effectiveness and other functional aspects of the schools. 7. Explore the students support services available and achievements of the schools.

Course EPC-2 (1.2EPC2) Drama and Arts in Education

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Understand the use of ‘Drama’ as Pedagogy. 2. Use ‘Role play’ technique in the teaching learning process. 3. Understand the importance of dramatic way of presentation. Integrate singing method in teaching learning process. 4. Understand various ‘Dance forms’ and their integration in educational practices. 5. Use art of drawing and painting in teaching learning process. 6. Develop creativity through different creative art forms. 7. Understand the efficacy of different art forms in education.


Course-VII-(B) (1.3.7B) Pedagogy of a School Subject Part-II Pedagogy of Language Teaching - English, Bengali, Sanskrit

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Design appropriate teaching – learning strategy/approach suited to particular content. 2. Be at home with the principles of constructing content analysis of school curriculum. 3. Use ICT and various teaching aids in teaching of Languages. 4. Understand the historical development of Language Teaching. 5. Develop various skills related to language learning. 6. Prepare a blueprint before entering into a class.

Course-VII-(B) (1.3.7B) Pedagogy of a School Subject Part-II Pedagogy of Social Science Teaching - History, Geography, Education

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Be aware of teaching & learning of the subject concern. 2. Examine critically the major concept, ideas, principles & values relating the subject concern. 3. Engage the students into the methods of Teaching & learning the subject. 4. Provide the students authentic historical knowledge with the proposed content & make them to be component to do pedagogical analysis of the subject.

Course-VII-(B) (1.3.7B) Pedagogy of a School Subject Part-II Pedagogy of Science Teaching - Life Science, Physical Science

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Be aware of teaching & learning of the subject concerned. 2. Examine critically the major concept, ideas, principles & values relating to the subject concerned. 3. Engage the students into the methods of Teaching & learning the subject. 4. Make them competent to do the pedagogical analysis of the subject concerned.

Course-VII-(B) (1.3.7B) Pedagogy of a School Subject Part-II Pedagogy of Mathematics Teaching - Mathematics

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Know about Mathematics curriculum and text-book preparation 2. Know how does Practical activities associated with mathematical concepts 3. Understand about assessment and evaluation related to mathematics teaching-learning. 4. Apply the Concept of Pedagogical analysis of mathematics content of school level mathematics curriculum and learning designing 5. Understand about Simulated and integrated lesson


Course-VI (1.4.6) Gender, School and Society

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Develop gender sensitivity among the student teachers. 2. Understand the gender issues faced by the schools. 3. Understand the paradigm shift with reference to gender studies. 4. Understand how gender, power and sexuality relate to education (in terms of access, curriculum and pedagogy).

Course-VIII(B) (1.4.7B) Knowledge and Curriculum- Part-II

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Realize the concepts of curriculum and syllabi. 2. Discover the relationship between power, ideology and curriculum. 3. Design curriculum in the context of school experiences, evaluation, power, ideology, process and practice & its transactional modes.

Course-X (1.4.10) Creating an Inclusive School

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Sensitise to the concept of inclusive education and social inclusion 2. Familiarize with the legal and policy perspectives behind inclusion in education 3. Understand the types, probable causes, preventive measures and characteristics of different types of disability. 4. Understand street children, platform children, and orphans, children born and brought up in correctional homes, child labour and other Socio economically backward children. 5. Know how inclusion can be practiced in mainstream class.

Course-XI (1.4.11) Optional Health and Physical Education

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Build a scenario of Health Education in India. 2. Develop a Knowledge Base of the Most Common and Uncommon Diseases in India; their Diagnosis & Remediation. 3. Learn the Tech Related Health Risks & Learn How to Fix These. 4. Study the Health Education Vision & Mission of India.

Course-XI (1.4.11) Optional Peace & Value Education

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Understand the meaning and role of peace education and value education in present context. 2. Understand the components of peace education. 3. Understand different perspectives of peace education. 4. Be acquainted with methods and evaluation of value education.

Course-XI (1.4.11) Optional Guidance and Counselling

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Understand guidance and counselling in details 2. Understand the mental health 3. Develop the knowledge about adjustment and maladjustment. 4. Acquire skill to develop tools and techniques. 5. Understand the idea about Abnormal Behaviour and Mental illness.

Course-XI (1.4.11) Optional Work & Vocational Education

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Make a teacher-trainee aware of the modern approaches to teaching of Work Education in the perspectives of its development from traditional approaches. 2. Make the teacher-trainee acquainted with the basic skills required for the inculcation of the modern approaches to teaching of Work Education. 3. Make the teacher trainees aware of different methods of teaching suitable to different topics of Work Education. 4. Make the teacher trainees acquainted with the ways and means for managing class-room from the stand point of inclusive education.

Course-XI (1.4.11) Optional Yoga Education

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Understand the concept and principles of Yoga 2. Understand the ancient system of yoga 3. Develop awareness about the historical aspects of Yoga 4. Learn some meditational practices and techniques 5. Learn to maintain a healthy condition of body and mind 6. Learn the utility of yoga in modern life

Course-XI (1.4.11) Optional Environmental & Population Education

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Understand the concept of population and environmental education 2. Know the objectives and methods of teaching environmental and population 3. Be aware of population and environmental education policies 4. Help teachers students analyse the various issues related to population and environmental education.

CourseEPC-3 (1.4EPC3) Critical Understanding of ICT

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Understand the social, economic, security and ethical issues associated with the use of ICT 2. Identify the policy concerns for ICT 3. Describe a computer system; 4. Operate the Windows and/or Linux operating systems; 5. Use Word processing, Spread sheets and Presentation software; 6. Acquire the skill of maintaining the computer system and the skill of trouble shooting with the help of Anti-Virus and Other tools. 7. Operate on Internet with safety 8. Elucidate the application of ICT for Teaching Learning 9. Develop various skills to use computer technology for sharing the information and ideas through the Blogs and Chatting groups

CourseEPC-4 (1.4EPC4) Yoga Education: Self Understanding and Development

The student teachers will be able to : 1. Understand the meaning and importance of self-concept and self-esteem. 2. Be aware of different factors related to self-concepts and self-esteem. 3. Understand the concept and importance of yoga and well-being. 4. Be sensitized about the interrelationships of yoga and well-being. 5. Record a brief history of the history of development of yoga through the ages. 6. Discuss how yoga and yoga practices are important for healthy living. 7. Explain some important principles of yoga. 8. Know and develop their personality through various practices.

Programme Outcome

  1. To develop an understanding of the contemporary Indian Society with special reference to education.
  2. To create sensitivity about language diversity in classroom and its role in teaching-learning process.
  3. To understand basic concepts and ideas of educational theory.
  4. To build understanding and perspective on the nature of the learner, diversity and learning.
  5. To comprehend the role of the systems of governance and structural – functional provisions that support school education.
  6. To develop problems solving ability through action research
  7. To understand about teaching, pedagogy, school management and community involvement.
  8. To understand various educational issues in the context of diverse socio, cultural and multilingual Indian Society.
  9. To build skills and abilities of communication, reflection, art, aesthetics, theatre, self expression and ICT.